About This Game Olorun, a continent ruled by gods. It has been more than three hundred yeards since the event of Inferno incursion known as Apocalypse, now the gods are restoring their powers back to their golden age. It is an age of prosperity, but it is also an age of warfare, when the gods rule all the countries in Olorun with their servants and priests, and fight each other with these organizations for their divine power. But a greater crisis is emerging, for the false gods from a more ancient time are returning...Features:[270-Degree Melee Angle System]Our melee system is different from the traditional lock-on or fixed-directional combat systems, in our game you can move your cursor to switch your melee direction in the combat stance, attacking or defending your foes from all directions, this adds to the tension and excitement in a combat for players to enjoy.[Multiplayer Cooperation]Olorun: Theocracy provides at most 4 players cooperation, you can face the harsh environment and dangerous monsters with your friends, and teamwork with them to gather resources such as wood, stone, or ores. [Customized Forging]We provide our players an innovative forge system where you could forge your own unique weapons with different material choices, and customize their shape to your own ideals.[Material System]In Olorun: Theocracy, players will find that even with the same type of equipment, the appearance and attributes will differ as they were forged with different material. Therefore, it is vital to choose appropriate material based on your needs when forging a new item. 7aa9394dea Title: Olorun: TheocracyGenre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie, RPG, Early AccessDeveloper:AJetBear EntertainmentPublisher:AJetBear EntertainmentRelease Date: 20 Aug, 2018 Olorun: Theocracy License olorun theocracy multiplayer. olorun theocracy. olorun theocracy gameplay. olorun theocracy review. olorun theocracy steam next 20-30 years of development and this game might be worth 13 bucks. Huge disappointment. We must wait for the next improvements , its early Access Game , dont lost your money on this game. Another scum.. trailer lied to me :(. Some of the best AI and fights I have experienced in a Co-op game. There was a bear chasing a bunch of sheep, and the sheep went on top of a rock to get away from the bear. So the bear gave up and fought some other sheep. It needs more content and can be fustrating if you think there is something cool to find but the content is just not there. TLDR... Best combat system and fights in any game I have played. Just needs more.. Some of the best AI and fights I have experienced in a Co-op game. There was a bear chasing a bunch of sheep, and the sheep went on top of a rock to get away from the bear. So the bear gave up and fought some other sheep. It needs more content and can be fustrating if you think there is something cool to find but the content is just not there. TLDR... Best combat system and fights in any game I have played. Just needs more.. Couldnt get through the tutorial, the combat controls are too unresponsive and awkward. Patch Note #0002 - Hi all , here's the early version of the new tutorial , it has been known that the old tutorial is too short , boring and do so little to help the players in further gameplay , thus we redone the whole scene , as the first impression of the game , we treated it wrong but now we've learned .you can even play the tutorial with old character , try it now , it's would be fun ! Fixed / Added :-Redesigned the whole scene for tutorial-Fixed a position that would cause player stuck in LeroIsland-English option menu glitch Known issues :-Ping and player number glitch-Your game would be mute after the tutorial (back to main menu would fix it , we'd get it fix in the next patch )-The lack of graphic setting ( we're trying to support this asap ). Patch Note #0007 - Hello everyone , it's been a while since we had our last update , we apologize for the delay , we have our issues to deal with ,but the new update has come finally , there's a lot of change , improvement and new stuff , hope you would like it ,still there'll be more coming soon , thank you for your support and understanding . update- added a new melee combat control mode- added house building system- added main quest and new tutorial- added a lot of stuff for carpenter to craft- added a lot of stuff for mason to craft- redesigned all of the first person Helmet Sight- retexture human's hair- tons of bug has been fixed (yea , tons of , also created some , Orz). Patch Note #0004 - Hi there , sorry for a bit late for this update , we've been through some personnel issues , nothing big deal , everything's fine right now . Fixed / Added :-Fixed the camera so you can see your fabulous character while sitting-Adjust the name showing for chinese user on the map and dialoge-Fixed the bug that some of the storage slot cannot be used for crafting-You can now see how many materials you have in order to craft stuff -Fix the stone claymore model-You can now eat or drink while sitting -You can now pay 5000 coins to reset your skills -Added 2560x1440 resolution-Fixed some known map issues-Adjust some stuff price Known issue :-There will be animation error while sit and drink. Patch Note #0003 - Hi all , here's some fix for the new patch , we'll keep going , thanks . Fixed / Added :-Fixed arrow ballistic bug for clients-Fixed a bug that carrying a shiled would be invincible against arrows-Redesign the graphic setting (you might need to reset your option for the first time)-Fixed the border problem while loading-Fixed a problem that will cause the game mute after finishing tutorial-Increased the lightness for tutorial-Some UI tweak for convinient use. Patch Note #0005 - Hello everyone , the review finally hit positive , thank you all for the support , there are some minor bug fixed for this week update , but there will be Big stuff coming up pretty soon ! Fixed / Added :-Fixed the animation glitch while sit and drink-Fixed the UI bug that doesn't show some material number correctly-Added weapons support for every humanoid NPC so that they can shoot a bow or using Greatsword (only if they already owned one , we'll do more stuff to make that happened) Known Issues :-A creppy SaveGame glitch that you'll be replaced by another player (O口O !!) ( We've already added some code to prevent this , but still , gotta keep tracking to make sure it doesn't happen again ). A hotfix for version - Hi there , there's a little fix yesterday , here's the note for that , sorry for keep you waiting , been working day and night to fix a lot of things , and as always thanks for the information and support , It means everything for us . FIxed / Added : -Cancel the camera switch while talking to a NPC-Fix some visual glitch for loading screen-Fix some serious problem about missing item in storage-New camera angle for better shooting ( in 3rd view )-Fix a glitch that happened while you unequip an item Known Issues :-Room ping and current player number ( still working on it ). Patch Note #0006 - Hi everyone , here is the new update for the game , we've been working hard on the NPC and their AI , behavior , in order to create a better gaming experience , It took a while , but it should be worth it , for now we've only done the part for the Lero Island (Beginner Island) , but soon it will take effect to every town or city in game , we hope you could enjoy a better civilization world soon .the update for NPC daily behavior will continue , and in the mean time we'll be working on the House Building system as well , we know you'd love it , It'd be coming soon , and as always , thanks you so much for supporting us :D Added/Fixed/Tweaked :-Fixed the weird arrow ballistic when you're client side (smoother now)-Added in new faction system for NPC to react ( for instance , guards will not chase rabbit now )-Added support for Humanoid NPC to use Bow , Greatsword or Shield just like player do (If only they own one)-Redone the citizen behavior so that they might go to sleep at night , work or hanging around (Only effect in Lero Island for now)-Added furniture that might be used by players or NPCs .-Redesign the interior of house from LeroIsland so people can get in-Added Death ragdall to every creatures Known Issues :-Client will be disconnected while entering Western Odola Outskirt (we'll be looking into it and hopefully fix it asap ). A hotfix for version - Hi , we've released a quick fix for the latest version , mainly fix the bug that will make you lose all your skill points , even make it into negative , we hope that with this patch there won't be any trouble like that , and sorry about the trouble .(If your skill points is currently negative , you can refresh your skill without being charged automatically . ). Patch Note #0001 - Hi there , for our first day selling , we're glad to have your support , and we know there's a large amount of issues , witch many people are dealing with , just wanted to say that we're very happy to have your feeback and report so quickly and fataly ,that's what the early-access is all about we believe , also we feel very upset , we'd like to apologize for many trouble you're dealing with in the game . Fixed/Added :. Hi all , thanks for all advice given: It has been 3 days since we entered the early access, there have been many criticisms and suggestions, all of which we have readily received and listed in our next-to-do list.Apart from ctiticism, we have also received many warm support and encouragement, all the warming energy is what bolsters our motivation to continually enhance the game!We have fix a few problems according to customer reports, listed as follows:*The hint for passive skills, lest players mistake them as placeable into skill bar.*To display the labels for interactive objects, so that players would know that these are interactable.*Adjust the sell prices for part of the dropped items, trying to make players feel less frustrated when cumulating their moneybags.(hint: there have already been mechanics to loot boxes and barrels in town to attain valuable misc items.)*Fix the issue in beginner tutorial where players would stuck and won't trigger the next event.*Add in water wells to allow players to fill their empty water bags.*Cancel the camera tracking when conversation with NPCs to solve part of the camera glitch.*Fix loading screen glitch.*Fix archery view and re-calibrate the crosshair.*Add in a full-screen switch and option for resolution.(Other functions for adjusting graphic details are now under production.)*Fix the bug where players get equipment copies when they repeatly take off their equipment.*Solve the issue where players cannot join in the games with their room names blank.Additionally, we are currently working on the following:*A remade beginner tutorial to make players learn the basics more smoothly.*A tutorial diary to provide in-game hints and instructions.*A arena mode and the associated maps to provide players who enjoy PvP content more with another gaming choice.If you have enjoyed our game, please spare no positive review on steam! We will be constantly updating the game content to a more complete version!
Olorun: Theocracy License
Updated: Mar 24, 2020